Body composition


I think it is important to share body composition with your client for the following reasons. It is important because it gives clients a better understanding of where their body is and how they can improve it. Also it gives them a better understanding of where we get our numbers and classifications. Another very important reason is because it helps create a better idea of the plan of action we need to create to improve for later. This will also create composition regularly will enable you to more effectively and efficiently achieve and maintain healthy levels of lean and fat mass.  The main outcome from regular body composition measurements is that you are achieving the desired results. body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies. Because muscular tissue takes up less space in our body than fat tissue, our body composition, as well as our weight, determines leanness. Also waist to hip ration is simply a measurement of waist size compared to hip size. This is an important measurement because it is a good indicator of visceral fat. Fat which resides in the abdominal area is more closely linked to chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. When you track waist to hip ration you can track effectiveness of exercise when you notice a decrease in waist size.This is another way you could show your client body composition. Finally you can give many details that help better explain your findings.  

Promoting strong bones

I think that promoting strong bones in important because it is important to promote good health with clients.Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis is  a condition were your bones started to become weak and brittle and start to loose bone mass .Also this  allows the protection of vital organs and bones in the future. One in four Men get this and  One and two women over the age of 50 will have this. This can happen has early has 20 years of age. This is mostly affected in ethnicity of Caucasian and Asian. Some other symptoms are back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra  and loss of height over time A stooped posture A bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected. Women who are past menopause are more likely to have this happen . You can compare an osteoporosis bones to a mini wheat and then a strong bone can be compared to a dog bone. This shows a what happens over time if you do not treat osteoporosis or try to  prevent it. I think that everyone should know that 10 million women will have it. 1 and 4 men will get and 1 and 2 women will also have it. Most people do not  realize the facts about it and are not  aware of what it is and how common it is. A healthy diet with enough calcium and vitamin D helps make your bones strong. Many people get less than half the calcium they need. Good sources of calcium

Customer Service

Customer service is important in the health fitness and wellness industry because we deal with people on a close level everyday. Also it is very easy for the customer or client to get upset because of something you do.   We should all use assuring and  empathizing to help control what is happening  and to help fix the problem effectively without upsetting the client or customer anymore . I have realized my strengthens  and weakness on customer service. I will use this to help better myself in the field and help better my business later on in the future. I think that good  listening is also very good to have well in this business as well .

My role in hypertension and Education

This week I learned about hypertension and how to prevent it. I also learned that it is commonly found in people with high blood pressure and in athletics who drink  a lot of water. I have learned how to help others with this problem through exercise and diet. I would highly recommend the dash diet to someone who would like to lower their blood pressure. I have also learned that we need to make people more aware of hypertension and the facts that go with it. I think we should educate a wide verity people and not just the ones it affects.So everyone has a better understanding on how to fix the problem before it happens.

My First semester at FCC…

At first a really hated it because the work was harder and I realized  my home school didn’t teach me anything but I realized that I really needed it. I really enjoy it here and like being here. Sometimes I wish they didn’t pile work on us but then I look at how much a accomplish  because of it . I am very excited to be here and learn more about exercise science to further my career choice ! Also hopefully  I will be fully enlisted in the us army by the time we end this year. I have so many goals and FCC has helped me realized how to reach them.


I had a lot of fun during our class on Tuesday. I wish more people would of done it but it was still fun that we got to experience being with other labs. A lot of people said that exercise science is fun and that they wished they would of joined exercise science instead of their labs. It makes me feel good that our lab is enjoyed by others. I wish that people would realize that we do  a lot more then workout and have fun. They need to see all of our packets and the work that we do. Also I hope in the future we can work with them again and get all the labs together and do something fun  like that again.

Successful People

I think determination, strength and accepting your flaws are what make a successful person. I think a great successful person must have determination because without it you will get nothing done and will not have great time management to finish things. Also I think they have strength and problem solving skills because they need to be able to fix things fast when bad things happen. Next I think a successful person accepts their flaws and realize that they only make you a stronger individual and grow more in your line of work.  I also think a successful person is a good listener and listens to others and tries to make everything equal under any working condition. Lastly , I think a successful person or leader helps everyone and is very professional and understanding.


Hello my name is Alyssa (: I am 17 and my birthday is in march. I am currently in exercise science and I love it. I have been in this program for almost four months and I learned a lot about myself while I was here. First I learned that procrastination is my thing and I do it a lot. I need to learn time management and execute it better. I have also learned that I really enjoy working out and enjoy group fitness classes. I hope that we have more and get to do them with other labs. Lastly, I have learned what true friends are and that I don’t need to waste my time one people who don’t care.